The ideas of Myrevolut!on are based on everyday life. What is essential is invisible to the eye, says the Little Prince.
As the roots of trees are quite vital for their development, so the small, everyday, practical actions that we undertake individually are a real motor for change. There are many examples of Myrevolut!on everyday actions.
We have identified practical small but never insignificant actions to accomplish and small projects to be implemented. We are not talking about projects that remain on the drawing-board (on recycled paper!) – futurist and glorifying a better world but idealistic and utopian; here we undertake real small great everyday revolutions.
Nevertheless somebody said that Utopia is something that we start from and not to look for. In this respect the fusion between art, poetry and science is a very challenging field of research.
There have been difficulties, but one learns that they are an integral part of a project, as is the possibility of changing one’s mind, one’s point of view, in order to confront the realities of the bureaucracy of agencies and institutions. We learn to change our plans and not to stop in front of obstacles that are inevitable in a real world.
As wrote Mother Teresa of Calcutta – Do not wait for leaders. Do it alone, person to person.
The sections on the subject of Actions are various: actions with the administration, action regarding training, social actions